So it's been FOREVER since I posted anything-yes I'm aware of this!! So here's some pis of some of the activities my crew (A/K/A Team Dunbar) has been up to lately! We are good times!!! Last week we went on a shooting outing courtesy of Jon Judy & his arsenal of weapons!! It was a delightful little outing-nobody got shot, nobody blew their hand off & we even managed to hit the clay pigeons!! I,myself, hit 5 out of the 12 that I shot at!! That's amazing!! We looked pretty fierce holdin those guns I must say! Do NOT cross us!!! And yes I am aware that I look like a cancer patient with that hat on but I don't care cuz it was cold!!
We also celebrated Jon Judy's & Alex;s birthdays on Friday. We took a jaunt down to Pocatello to Red Lobster where we stuffed our fat faces with seafood-delish!! Then we traveled back up to Blackfoot and had a bonfire at Sarah's parents' house where we continued to stuff our fats faces with smores!! again-DELISH!!! It was another delightful little outing!!! Happy Birthday Jon Judy & Alex!!! There are more pics to come but this''ll get you started! Enjoy!!!