Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good Bye 2009!!

It's the last day of 2009 and I, for one, am glad to see this year done & over with! It has been QUITE a year! Don't worry I'll be doing a full wrap up of this year's events soon. Hunker down cuz it's gonna be jam packed & heavy!! All I can say is I'm glad this year is over & I can't believe I actually made it through!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Geneology I Am Doing It!!

Ok check it if you haven't been on the church's new family search website you really should take a look at it! It is pretty cool! I am OBSESSED with it! I am always on there seeing what needs to be done for all my family. Straight up I don't think my mom wants me entering information or messing with anything so I just go through every one's ordinances & keep track of who needs what done & even with all the work that my parents & grandparents have done there is still a ton of stuff that needs to be done. I printed off a whole stack of ordinance cards & I'm obsessed with them! I'm like that chick from that movie The Saint (starring my one true love Val Kilmer) who has all those formula cards & she carries them around & is always pulling them out & trying to organize them & rearrange them. However, I don't keep them hidden in my bra like she does cuz that just wouldn't be right!! But I did organize them just so on a board like it's a school project or something!

I've got my couples that need to be done & sealed:

And my families that need to be done & all their chillins sealed to them:

I know it's a little bit overly organized but that's how I am! I've gotten a lot done but there's still so much to do. It's a completely different experience to take your own family name to the Temple so I'd encourage every one to get in there & get your own cards printed. I've been getting my friends to take some of these names through for me cuz I just have to get them all done! I even got 2 of my bosses to do some of them for me! Bless their hearts! People we've got souls to save!!

Check out the new site

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It Is On!!!

So I’m starting a new thing on my blog in the hopes that if I keep track of everything & write about it I might actually reach my goal. WEIGHTLOSS!! Hunker down everyone! 2009 was supposed to be all about slimming down in anticipation of my 30th but people please you know 2009 was ROUGH for me (hello my hair was falling out from all the stress & misery!!) and there was A LOT of emotion eating going on so the slimming down didn’t so much happen. Give me a break it’s enough that I’ve made it thru the year!! Now I need to undo all of that & then some. It’s going to be quite a project!! So here’s what’s gonna be going on-I’ll be keeping track of my caloric intake & what foods I eat & also what I do in my daily workouts (i.e. calories burned, amount of time spent working out, etc.). I can have a total of 1800 calories each day. I’m not quite brave enough to post my weight so I’ll just update with how many pounds I lose (or gain cuz you know that’ll happen! Jerk weight!!) each week. I will say that in total my goal is to lose about 38 pounds overall. Then I’ll be at my ideal weight. This is gonna take some work! I have a pair of jeans that I was able to wear earlier this year so I’m using them as my 1st goal. I would love to be able to wear them by the end of the year & I really think I’ll be able to! I find that writing stuff down & keeping track of it really helps me monitor what I’m eating & what have you. There’s a good chance I won’t be posting something every single day but I’ll be keeping track of it so there might be 2 or 3 days posted at the same time. Deal with it I’m busy & popular!! Also if anyone has any suggestions or tips or good healthy recipes let’s hear them! Here we go!

November 30, 2009-Day 1!!

I got up this morning & met my new workout buddy, Susie, at the gym at 5:15 AM-yeah I said AM!! It’s crazy!!! As always my arch nemesis was there working out & making me steadily angrier! Who’s my arch nemesis you ask? She’s this girl who works out in the early morning as well & I hate her! I’m guessing she gets there in the 4:00 hour sometime cuz by the time I get there at 5:15 she’s well into her workout. Why do I hate her so much? Cuz every morning she rolls up in there ALL done up. I’m talking hair & makeup totally done & wearing her cutie little workout outfits. What time does she need to get up in order to make herself all up like that & get to the gym before 5:00?!?! Why can’t you roll up in here looking all trashy like the rest of us?! It makes me so angry & it fuels the idea that boys have that we just roll out of bed looking like this. And she wears a different little out fit everyday. I swear she prolly has more workout clothes than regular clothes! Good grief! I shank her with my eyes every time I see her. You’ll hear me refer to her quite often cuz she makes me so crazy!! I bet in real life she’s prolly the nicest person ever but I don’t care cuz she’s my nemesis & I hate her! Ok enough of that! My workout this morning consisted of 41 minutes & 2 seconds on the elliptical where I traveled 2.78 miles at 4.06 MPH & burned 394 calories. Not too bad for a Monday morning! I prolly need to consistently be doing at least 45 minutes everyday so I’ll need to increase that. There’s always tomorrow!

My meals for the day went as follows

Breakfast: Maple & Brown Sugar Weight Control oatmeal 160 calories
Lunch: Chicken salad wrap 500 calories
Dinner: Ham & about 2 bites of green bean casserole leftover from Thanksgiving & a small piece of chicken

I have no idea how many calories that was but I don’t think it was much. Let’s just say it was 1000 (prolly not but we’ll high ball it)

Total calories: 1660

I also got weighed today & I am down 2 pounds from last week! Go me already!!! I have 36 pounds to go to reach my ideal goal weight.

December 1, 2009

Breakfast: ½ pack of Maple & Brown Sugar weight control oatmeal 80 calories

For some reason I was not feeling good this morning & that’s all I could choke down for breakfast.

Lunch: Marinated chicken, green beans & corn 500 calories
Dinner: Tuna wrap & tortilla chips 450 calories

Total calories: 1030

Ok I need to be eating more calories than 1030 but seriously I wasn’t any hungrier than that today. I’m sure I’ll make up for it later on in the week!

I headed to the gym after work & did 30 minutes on the elliptical & burned 317 calories & then jumped on the treadmill for 18 minutes & 46 seconds & burned 170 calories. After that I did 2 sets on each of the weight machines in the little circuit they have set up & then jumped back on the treadmill to do a little cool down for 15 minutes & burned another 67 calories. I’m not sure how many calories were burned during my weightlifting but in total on the cardio machines I burned 554 calories! Go me!!!! My plan is to do cardio 5 times a week & throw in some weightlifting at least 2 times a week. We’ll see how that goes for awhile.

December 2nd 2009

I didn’t make it to the gym this morning as I had planned. I had a REALLY rough night & wasn’t able to sleep very well but I’m planning to make up for it by going twice tomorrow. Hunker down!!

Breakfast: Totally didn’t eat breakfast this morning. I told you I had ROUGH night!
Lunch: Southwest rice sautéed with tuna & a piece of chicken 370 calories
Dinner: scrambled eggs & turkey bacon 400 calories

Total calories 770 ok that is not NEARLY enough calories for the day! I needed to eat more but seriously I wasn't hungry. What's wrong with me!?!? I did get weighed again today & dropped another pound! Prolly due to a lack of eating but I'm NOT turning anorexic so don't get it twisted!!!

PS I started this post like 3 days ago & am just now getting around to actually posting it. I told you I'm busy & Popular!!!