Saturday, September 8, 2012

Then & Now

So I took a little jaunt to Rexburg this week to get everything ready for the semester. You know ID card, books, a look around I'm some sort of Freshman! Please! My 1st stop was getting my ID card. The place was bonkers! Students everywhere, parents everywhere, and lines everywhere! I got in line for my ID card and realized I was pretty much the only person in line without a parent and then I realized that even the 1st time I went through this ordeal at this school that I was pretty much the only person in line with no parent. Where are my parents?! Oh wait I'm a grownup and I can do this by myself....again! The girl in line behind me was too freaked out to know what was going on so I had to babysit her even though she had her mom in line with her! Come on girl!

So ok the 1st time I went to this school the ID cards were done in some make shift photo studio set up in one of the ballrooms. Ghetto! This time it was all official and crap! And with WAY better technology!

Ok so what I'm about to show off I do at great risk of personal ridicule but trust me it will be hilarious!

This is my Ricks College ID card....I blame this picture on 1997 technology and me being 17 years old. I know it's ugly so you don't have to tell me!

Hideous right?! How did I walk around looking like that!?

And here I am in my 2nd debut in Rexburg 15 years later!

Much better!!!! And I managed to spend the whole afternoon on campus without getting kicked out!!! Watch out Rexburg.....I'm back baby-doll!!!