Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On The Move Again!!!

So I'm on the move again!!! I'll be moving to a new place in just a couple of weeks & I cannot tell you how excited I am about it! When I moved in to my current apartment I only intended to live there for 6 months & now over a year later I can't wait to get out of there! I HATE that apartment! HATE IT! I've hated it since the minute I moved in there. I hate that the screen door wont' shut unless you throw all your weight against it. I hate that you have to slam the front door every time you shut it & that my landlord would never fix it. I hate all the spiders that come out of everywhere in the summer. I hate that when it rains the walls leak & again my landlord would never take care of it or even come clean the carpets after it flooded. I HATE the kitchen & everything about it & most especially that no matter how many times I mopped the floor it still always looked dirty. I hate that when it gets rainy & muggy outside that it smells like cat piss in there. I REALLY HATE my upstairs neighbors & can’t wait til I never have to see their stupid faces or hear their stupid lives ever again! And most especially I HATE that I had to move there in the first place! Ok you get the idea right?! Well the packing is in full swing & man I’m the most organized mover you’ve ever seen! Everything is labeled & neatly stacked & I have lists of what stuff is being moved first & where it’s going & good grief why am I this way?! I can’t believe how different it feels this time around. Last year when I was getting ready to move I was crying every five minutes as I was packing up my life on K Street. Not this time! If anything it’s all tears of joy!! And every day when I come home & see the bare walls & empty shelves instead of breaking down I feel like jumping up & down cuz I’m so excited to leave! I love the new place that I’m moving too (especially the kitchen!!!) & I’m even getting excited to live with my friend Chalise (even though neither of us is looking forward to having a roommate) and about all the money I’m gonna be saving!! So by the end of this month I’ll have a brand new address!! Pics to come don’t worry!!

1 comment:

Jordyn Parry said...

Congrats! I can't wait to see pics!