Thursday, July 10, 2008

Memories...light the corners of my mind!!!

This is fun!!!!

Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Kristy said...

Too many, too many! Some that come to mind include:
1. Hosting a neighborhood pet show.
2. When you had the mumps and your face got all chubby.
3. Practicing the dance moves from "7 Brides..."
4. Endless matching outfits--we weren't twins! Gosh!
5. Playing ship on our bunkbeds.
6. Gym class with 80's girl.
7. Climbing in and out of the Myam's car after band practice.
8. Road trips where you AWLAYS needed a milkshake. And never used a public bathroom. I'm surprised your bladder didn't explode!
9. When we sat on the front row at a Lifehouse concert! That was awesome.
10. Your roommate from Barbados. What a freak!

John said...

Remember this one time we went to Hollywood for the Oscars and we got to touch THE Red Carpet? We stood in line in front of Sprinkles for a good 20-25 minutes waiting to get in. While doing so we saw somebody famous, the makeup guy from Project Runway, Collier Strong! We purchased our dozen cupcakes, snapped some photos of the famous person and then bounced, while proceeding to inhale each of our Sprinkles cupcakes!!!! Good times...

Anthony & Tina & Family said...

Yeah!! i'm so glad that you have a i can catch up with talking about obsessions...i seem to recall you having an obsession with VAL KILMER!! have you seen him now?? if you google him...three pictures come up and he's all got a gut...hahah...look who's talkin...i guess i don't have room to talk...i blew up like a balloon too..sheesh...

Melissa said...

Tina-i have seen my man Val lately and i'm not gonna front-it's not pretty!!! but i love him and true love lasts a lifetime!!

sandra93 said...

Picture rain, a lot of rain, thunder and possibly lightning... what were we doing.... hmmm we had garbage bags trying to fix your car window because some punk broke it out to get to your fabulous cd'ds... I can still hear Eric "What happened to you two?" The only reason I can think that he would ask that is because we were so stinkin cute....
oh there is another time when we were cutting up fruit in my kitchen and um ya you decided to STAB yourself so we had to go to the emergency room to get you stitched up and did I mention that, I FREAKED OUT!!
Good times!!!

wood family said...

Melissa!!!!!!!!!! I found your blog! Well the first thing that came to mind when i thought of memories was at girls camp singing "poor emily fell into the latrine" i think it was emily...i have no idea why THAT came to my head but there it is :) how are you!??? I have a blog BTW it's
Love ya!!! Carol