Me, Strudel, and Jenny took a little trip down to Utah over the weekend. It was good times!! We arrived at Kristy & Todd’s on Friday evening and stayed with them until Sunday. This would be Jenny’s 1st weekend away from Boyfriend since being married & she was trippin a little bit!! Married people are so weird!!! Why do they fall apart if they’re away from each other for more than a day!?? You lived your entire life without that person but 1 weekend away is about to do you in?!! Get serious people!! Ok back to the weekend….Saturday we had an unsuccessful shopping outing with Kristy. We all barely bought anything!! Weird how we all had money to spend and seemed to not be in the mood to spend it!! I don’t understand what’s going on here!!! Saturday night me & Jenny ventured up to Salt Lake to play with my BFF Jared & his wife & kids-who are so stinkin cute!!!
New Baby Alex-who has the greatest head of hair you’ve ever seen!!!
Me & Kameron!! That kid has the most fantastic little personality and totally makes me wanna have kids and that’s sayin something since everyone knows I don’t generally care for kids!!! All night long he kept calling me & Jenny “the ladies”!!! I love it!!!
Whenever we get together with them we tell all the same stories and they’re just as funny as when they happened in real life!!! Me & Jared were just kids when we met and now we’re getting so old!! Ok we were like 20 or 21 when we met but come on!!! I freaking love those guys!!!
And we got to spend some quality time with OP!!! ok really I think we saw him a total of like 2 hours the whole weekend cuz he was ALWAYS sleeping!!! Who knew being a baby was so exhausting!! But man he’s so sitnkin cute!!!
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