#1 Our designated voting place was the Courthouse Rotunda. ohhhh La-ti-dah the Rotunda!! by the sounds of that I was expecting to go down there and have finger sandwiches and other such refreshments waiting for me like we were going to a garden party. Yeah right!! Turns out the Rotunda is the lobby of the courthouse and they just crammed us all in there and it smelled like crime!!!
#2 Is anyone else concerned that old folks are running these voting booths?!!? Those crazy oldies couldn't get our names right prolly cuz they didn't have their hearing aides turned up!! And we're trusting them to handle and tally up our votes?!?! I'm scared.
#3 They make you listen to and watch this little tutorial on how to punch your voting card!! People is it really that difficult!??! If you can't figure that out on your own then I don't want you voting!!! And after you hand in your ballot they announce your name & that you have voted! It's kind of exciting!!!
#4 Before we went to perform our civic duty I played Sister Suffragette from Mary Poppins for us as I thought it an appropriate anthem for the afternoon's events!!!
Cast off the shackles of yesterday!
Shoulder to shoulder into the fray!
Our daughters' daughters will adore us
And they'll sing in grateful chorus
"Well done, Sister Suffragette!"
And of course I took a picture of us!!!
Sister Suffragettes indeed!!!!
Yeaaaa you voted! I didn't know you voted "deomocracy"! HAAA! Oh that crazy Bo(red).
Hey girl:) I totally agree...the fact that the geriatrics are posing as our ballot counters and organizers on that important day...is freakin scarey....BUT in all goodness...it feels awesome after you vote:)!! LOVE YA!
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