Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year everybody!!!!!

I'm happy to report that as of midnight I am now 2 years sober off of soda!!! I had a dream the night before that I was 45 minutes away from midnight and wasn't paying attention and downed a can of Dr. Pepper and then was so distraught that I didn't make it 2 years and that I had fallen off the wagon with Dr. Pepper which i don't even like! That dream haunted me all day long!! But I made it!!! I've decided that on my 30th birthday I get to have a can of Pepsi (my drug of choice) and a can of Cream Soda! I hope I make it that long!!!

And in case you didn't notice the countdown I'm gonna be 30 this year!!! HOLY BALLS!!!! That's right folks-30!!!! Everything is revolving around that so hunker on down!!!

Here's to hoping that 2009 is less crazy & dysfunctional than 2008!!! 2008 just about wore me out!!!!


TimTim and JJ said...

Ahhh, I remember those days of turning 30. Notialigic! I have been off soda about 4 yrs now so I sympathize. I did fall off the wagon about 3 months ago on a business trip in Dallas when I was so tired and the water was like toilet water so I had a Diet Coke but it was for medicial purposes only!

Stacey Kirchner said...

Taking off soda pop, huh? How come? I am going to have to do that very soon. I have gotten too comfortable with Sierra Mist Free (I know, not even the good stuff), that before Dave and I try again, I am going to have to switch back to all water. :( I'm glad to read that you are doing well!