Sunday, January 30, 2011

Biggest Loser Day 28

So pretty good week on the dieting front. Working out, however, could've been a little bit better. Monday I had a GREAT workout! Ran my fat face off! Of course my legs were aching after & the next day. I had my 1st go at the strength training workout I was attempting. There are 12 exercises in the workout....I got through 5 of them & I wanted to die. It was rough. Squats & lunges are not your friends! My legs were killing the next day. Tuesday I tried running but had to split my cardio between that & the bike cuz my legs were screaming at me. I did a few more of my strength training exercises. Still a good workout. Wednesday I didn't get to the gym until way late & 2 of my gal pals were just getting ready to go sit in the hot tub. I felt that was better use of my time! Thursday I helped Joelyn move so that burned some calories right!? I finally talked myself into going to the gym but when I got there I discovered that I left my ipod at home. I can NOT workout without my ipod. Forget it. I drove back home & you know I wasn't going back. Friday I had to weigh in for Biggest Loser at my office. why am I only down 1 pound?! i think this scale is wack! that night I indulged in some frozen yogurt. hey it's better than ice cream so back off! Saturday me & Chalise drug our butts to the gym & I had a GREAT run! this was my last chance workout before todays weigh in & I was determined to get rid of every calorie I could. I will have my 3 pounds even if I have to cut something off! So today we weighed in....I stepped on the scale....and....I had lost my 3 pounds!!! YEAH!!!! I was so excited! So in total I have lost 7.8 pounds & I have 17.2 pounds to go. Next week I have GOT to be at the gym at least 3 days but really I should get in there 4 days this week.

Also I indulged in another round of frozen yogurt. Don't judge me. Don't you dare judge me! I lost 3 pounds this week!!


Chris said...

Good job! You are doing awesome! Let's work out together, for reals!!!!

Catherine Marie said...

Great Job!!!! Your awesome! (but I know you already know that!!) :)

Stacey Kirchner said...

You go girl!!