A year ago I made a decision that changed the course of my life. It was the best & hardest thing I've ever done in life. And now that I'm on the flip side of a year I am beginning to see & understand all the reasons why. As I look back over the last year I can't believe how much I have changed & the direction that my life has taken. There are times that I miss the life I once had & long for the people & places I once knew. I miss my old apartment the most!! But when I look back & think about where I was this time last year I would never want to be there again. In the end I know that I would not be the person I am right now & I would not have been able to experience all the good things I have this last year if I had stayed. Every day is different. Some days I'm angry over the things I went through. Some days I'm just sad that things had to end up like this. But some days I am thrilled to not have to deal with the things I left behind & am so happy with the new life I'm living now. Today is a good day!
I wanted to mark this milestone by doing something fun so me & some of my gals pals drove down to Salt Lake to eat at the Cheesecake Factory mmmmmmmm crabcake sand which.....mmmmmm cheesecake!! Kristy, Todd & OP joined us for the event as well! On our way back to Idaho Falls I decided that I had earned myself a pepsi! It was delicious! It was a great little outing & I am so grateful for friends who knew how momentous this occasion was & drove all the way down & back with me! Bless your hearts!!

How cute is OP?! Don't worry that Chalise's sister Allison was seated next to him & he kept taking food off of her plate & either eating part of it & putting it back on her plate or just playing with it & putting it back on her plate or just throwing it on the floor! bless him!

me & Kritty! We're cute!

1 comment:
Poor Kritty needs a nap!
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