Monday, October 20, 2008

Update On That Update!!

So remember that one time I said i was all better from my throat nonsense? Yeah not so much!!!! I had to go back to the doctor the other day cuz apparently I'm not all better. I have to do another round of antibiotics but thankfully it's a different kind cuz my tummy can't handle those other ones anymore!! So after I finish this round of meds if it's still not all the way gone then I'm gonna have to go see and Ear, Nose & Throat specialist and they're prolly gonna want to take my tonsils out!! People I can not deal with that!!!! All I can think of is how horrible it was when i had to get my wisdom teeth out and how the anesthesia made me so sick after words and I was puking everywhere but since my mouth was swollen it made having to puke all that much more awful!!! I really don't wanna have to do that again!! Everyone better start praying and (as Jon says) do a little jig for me in hopes that it doesn't come to that!!! It sure is hard being me!!!

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