Tuesday, April 28, 2009


You may or may not have heard that I am moving!! It's true!!! In 19 short (or long more likely) days I will be vacating 760 K St #6 where I have resided for the past 3 & 1/2 years!! It's a bittersweet move & frankly one of the toughest choices I've ever made but it's time to move on & leave certain things behind (one certian thing in particular!)!! I LOVE that apartment & am going to miss living there & I'm totally gonna miss living in the ghetto!! But I am really anxious to get moved & started on a new life which will, God willing, hopefully be less dramatic than the one I'm leaving behind! Good grief!! I've begun the long, frustrating task of packing & chose to start with my bedroom & to my great surprise there wasn't a single tear shed as I boxed up my things & took things off the walls. Go me!!! I'm taking pics of each room before I start dismantling everything-you know for posterity! There will be many more updates over the next couple of weeks as I countdown my final days on good ol' K St!!!

Here's a couple before pics of my room:

Side note: have you ever seen someone with more stuff packed into their bedroom before!??! Just wait till you see all the food storage & clothes I've got crammed in the closet!!

Another side note: it feels like it's the end of the school year when I was in college & everyone is moving home for the summer! Sav & Sarah departed last weekend, Strudel's departing next weekend, and I'm packing up the week after that!! It's weird!!!!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

I like that you made your bed for the picture. We all know that never really happens.