Monday, May 18, 2009

It's No Surprise I Won't Be Here Tomorrow

So I’m all moved into my new place!!!! I can’t believe it!!! It was a CRAZY weekend!!! I started Thursday morning moving my “stuff” stuff over. My dear, sweet friend Joni helped me haul boxes & containers over & holy crap we got a lot done in a short amount of time! I was pretty impressed with us! I continued taking stuff over on Friday morning with some help from Jon Judy & of course we had some drama go on. Whatever. Then in the afternoon Lisa came & helped me & we got my dinning room table all set up in the new place & it fits perfectly in kitchen which I was quite concerned about. I would DIE without my table!!! After Lisa left I just layed there on the living room floor for awhile not wanting to do anything else! Saturday morning it was on! The boys came over & loaded up all the furniture & it took 3 trucks to get it all over there! That’s a lot of stuff!!! The highlight of the morning was when Kelly Fitzsimmons was wanting a snack & found some yogurt in the fridge but of course there was no silverware to eat it with so he just opened up the little container & threw it back like it was a jello shot or something!! It was great!!! The Sav, Sarah, JT, & John S went to town cleaning the apartment!! I was back & forth between the 2 apartments all afternoon & felt really bad that I wasn’t there cleaning with them. Let me just say that I am so in love with those guys for all that they did!! I went & grabbed lunch for everybody & came back to find that they had pulled the fridge out & scrubbed under it, scrubbed the crap out of the stove & oven, washed all the walls, & the bathroom was sparkling clean!!! I about started crying when I walked in & saw how hard they were working! We got done a lot earlier than I thought we would & I was so busy that I didn’t even have time to breakdown & start blubbering! But then when Judy, my landlady, came to do my final walk through I teared up a little as I walked through all the empty rooms. I’ll never be in that apartment again. I passed my clean check with flying colors!! That apartment looked so amazing!!!

Here’s the empty apartment

The living room

the dinning room

the spare room

my beloved room

I should have taken some pics of the mess & chaos going on in the new apartment but I just didn't have the energy. It's pretty crazy over there right now but I'm making progress!! I spent my 1st night there by myself last night & it felt great!! I did it-I actually moved!!! Hardest thing I've ever done but I did it!!!

If I could see the future & how this plays out I bet it's better than where we are now.

You and I will be a tough act to follow.

"No Surprise"

1 comment:

Savanna said...

Oh HOORAY! You go girl! I love you!