Monday, May 12, 2008

BJ's Bayou

Last Thursday me & my posse ventured to BJ’s Bayou to get our grub on!! BJ’s is a Cajun food place out in the middle of no where and allegedly the place is supposed to be haunted! Yikes!! It was built like 100 years ago and was originally a hotel so who knows what kind of crazy stuff was going on!! As soon as we drove up I was like “Yeah this place is creepy!!”

Tell me this place doesn't look haunted!! Ok from this picture it really doesn't but trust me in real life it's creepy!!

I was determined to be adventurous with my food selection and decided that I was going to order the weirdest thing on the menu! After some careful deliberation I went with the crawfish and alligator tails! Sounds delicious right?! While we were waiting for our food our waitress (who is also the owner) told us all the stories about all the ghosts that supposedly haunt the place. It was quite the array of ghosts!! In one particular corner upstairs there was a fire that broke out and killed 4 people who were staying at the hotel (when the place was a hotel). I was, of course, totally creeped out as I am afraid of everything!!! After she finished her little tale me, Kaydi, and Lisa ventured upstairs to look around. I wandered over to the corner where the fire had been and as soon as I got over there I could feel that something wasn’t right!! Then I got really cold and my teeth started chattering! Could it have been that she had gotten us all worked up with her ghosts stories and I was just scaring myself? Quite possibly but I was taking no chances and decided I was going back downstairs! What a whimp!!!

Here’s me eating my alligator tails!!! Delicious!!!!!

And here’s the whole posse!! We are good times!!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Alligator tails definitely count as adventurous. YUCK!