Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Holy crap am I outside?!?

So everyone knows that I don’t care for the outdoors (in fact I pretty much loathe being outside and especially I hate being dirty!) but I braved the wilderness this weekend and frankly did things I never thought I would or really want to do again!! Mostly it was having to use the bathroom outside that just had my skin crawling and believe me my body was not liking it!! It was saying “Melissa this isn’t right!!!” Word-it’s not right!!!! So it was me, my roommate Tamara, Jon, his brother Ammon, and a couple of other peeps. From the get go I was stressed!! I hadn’t been camping since I was like 16 and even then it was Girl’s Camp and that doesn’t really count seeing as how we had showers and running water. What exactly do you do when you’re camping?! Packing was quite the project for me and I prolly brought more stuff than I really needed to but everyone just had to deal with it! The 1st day the weather was actually really nice but the next day it was chilly and it rained pretty much all day!! Not fun but I soldiered on like how I do!! We woke up thinking it had to be around 8:00 or 9:00 so we got up and got ready to go fishing. Yeah too bad it was really only like 6:15!! I had never been fishing before and it showed! At 1st I couldn’t cast my line out to save my life and either Jon or Ammon kept having to get me situated. I got it together though so don’t you worry! Then we kept getting our line stuck on stuff and Ammon and Jon had to re-tie our line I don’t know how many times. Me & Tamara were getting a kick out of it but I sure don’t think the boys were!! I got my line really good and stuck and broke the pole (for the record Jon actually had the pole when it snapped but I still feel bad about it). I think I got a few bites but unfortunately didn’t catch anything but I’ve got my fishing license to put in my scrapbook so that’s what really matters!! After we got done fishing it was nap time and we took that very seriously!! Four hours later we get up and it’s totally raining and the tent is leaking! That’s great! We all gathered in our tent to play card games until it let up a little. Later on we did some shooting and unfortunately I have a mishap to report. I was shooting what me and Tamara call the old west sheriff’s gun and wasn’t paying attention to how I was holding it and had my hand up too high so when it went off it snapped my fingers and I think maybe burned off my fingerprints! It felt like I had slammed my fingers in the door a few times and it HURT let me tell you!! I was a little skiddish for a few minutes but got back in there when Jon got my Jack Bauer gun out-lock and load!! That night we decided we weren’t going to be able to sleep in our tent cuz it was just too wet so all 4 of us had to squeeze into the bed of Jon’s truck. Good grief!!! 4 people and all our sleeping bags! It was not comfortable and I pretty much didn’t sleep all night but it’s better than getting all wet and it makes for a good story!

Here’s me fishing. I’ve got kind of a weird look on my face here too. I think I was trying to figure out if I had caught something or if I’d gotten my line stuck again. I’m pretty sure it was just stuck!

Do we want to talk about my hair for a second!? It is lookin rough and it was lookin even worse by the end of the trip!!! Melissa in the wilderness is NOT attractive!!!

Me & Tamara all soggy and freezing our booties off!!

That’s what I’m talkin bout!!!

I love that Tamara has her eyes closed in this one!!! That gun throws ya back pretty good!!

And here's Jon toatin his gun!!

By the end of the trip I was completely filthy and quite disgusting!! I knew the wilderness had gotten to me when after packing things up my hands were covered in mud and yuck and I just said “screw it” and wiped them off all over my clothes!!


Danielle said...

So what has brought on this influx of crayziness??? You are getting all sorts of dirty AND spending time outside?!?!?!?! It's going to revolutionize your life I tell you...Keep the musings coming because I think they are highly entertaining!

TimTim and JJ said...

What the...............? You went camping? I never thought I would see the day. I thought we were blood sisters but obviously not! LOL, just kiddin, I've been camping a couple of times too but don't tell anyone.